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Sexy Tattoo Quotes

 Tattoo quotes are becoming quite fashionable these days because they are so personal. Especially sexy tattoo quotes for lovers can help to take the relationship to a higher and more permanent level. Here are some of the most popular sexy tattoo quotes for people in love.

The Best Tattoo Designs For a Wrist - A Star, Heart, Cross and Short Quotes For Your Wrist Tattoos

Wrist tattoos are all the rage right now. There's just something appealing with having ink on your palm or at the back of your hand. However, getting a tattoo requires a lot of thought and imagination. You want your tattoo to be a representation of your personality and individuality. Your tattoo becomes a part of who you are. Remember, you won't be able to get rid of your tattoo as easily as your clothes or your accessories. This is why you should find a tattoo that will be relevant to you not just for the time being but for the years to come.

Word Tattoos - Ideas For Short Quotes, Meaningful Sayings, Poems and Song Lyrics

 Word tattoos are getting hotter and popular these days, every tat enthusiast wants to have a piece of that striking short quote or meaningful sayings tattooed on one part of their body. Well, who can blame them? Text designs are great alternatives for images because they can directly express what one feels or believe in. Here are some ideas for you to explore.

The Hottest Tattoo Quotes, Ideas, & Word Designs

The year has just started but obviously one of the biggest trends in tattoo designs is going to be word, literary and written tattoos of popular and cool quotes or sayings. There are many different names for these styles of tattoos but essential they all feature one major growing trend in tattoo designs and that is the trend of the written word.

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